#resistgiftshop Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is the #resistgiftshop?
The #resistgiftshop is a free store where you can find clothing and goods to fit your resistance lifestyle.
Why the #resistgiftshop?
Steady exposure to moral outrages can be exhausting. Daily confrontation with the "powers that be" can become a full-time occupation. Resistance today means fighting for the long haul. Make the decision to look good when protest becomes your way of life!
The #resistgiftshop is your store for speaking truth to power … in style!
Where is the #resistgiftshop?
The #resistgiftshop will be open on Sunday, November 12th, from 3 pm to 6 pm during the Master of Fine Arts in Visual Arts' Open Studios at Columbia University’s Prentis Hall, 632 W 125th Street, New York, NY 10027. The gift shop is located in studio 216.
What are the designs on the #resistgiftshop’s goods and clothing?
The items in the #resistgiftshop are digitally imprinted with your favorite protest slogans in artist Tim Roseborough’s Englyph writing system. Take a look at our attractive resistance-friendly clothing and goods.
What is Englyph?
Englyph is best described as “English Heiroglyphics:” a unique font system that renders English and Latin alphabet based-languages in a hieoglyphic-like style.
You can learn more about Englyph here
How much do items cost in the #resistgiftshop?
Each visitor is allowed to take one item from the store as a free gift.
If you would like to take more than one item see the #resistgiftshop rules.
#resistgiftshop Rules
1. Each visitor to the #resistgiftshop is entitled to one (1) unique item of their choice.
2. Each item must be exchanged for (1) share on the visitor's account of the Instagram social media platform. The share must feature a picture of some portion of the recipient's body (face, arm, hand) with the item and hashtags #resistgiftshop and artist Tim Roseborough's handle, @artworldgeek (ex. "At the #resistgiftshop with @artworldgeek").
3. After the #resistgiftshop attendant has verified a social media share, the visitor will receive a numbered ticket (matching one attached to the item chosen) for which they can retrieve the item after 5:30 pm on Sunday, November 12, 2017. No items can be taken from the store before 5:30 pm on Sunday, November 12, 2017.
4. The #resistgftshop will begin packaging reserved items at 5:30 pm. The shop closes at 6 pm.